TIP SHEET #6: What Seniors Say They Wish They Knew When They Started High School
- Freshman classes and grades count for college admission.
- “D” grades count for high school credit but NOT for college admission.
- A’s and B’s are generally necessary for continuation in the college prep sequence throughout high school.
- Your freshman year is critical for success in classes the next three years.
- All “F” grades in required subjects must be made up in order to graduate.
- Always complete and turn in all homework. Zeros on homework will pull down “A” and “B” grades on tests.
- Study an average of half-hour for each class every night – whether you have homework or not.
- Your number one job as a teen is to be a student.
- Don’t miss class or fall behind on assignments.
- Sit near the front of the class if you’re having trouble.
- Students involved in some type of extra curricular activity – on campus or off campus – do better in school.
- Keep an accurate record of assignments and deadlines in your planner.
- It’s your responsibility to check with the teacher about missed assignments if you’ve been out sick.
- A 2.0 GPA is required to be eligible for school extra-curricular activities.
- Once you get behind, it’s very tough to catch up.
- Teachers generally don’t allow students to take tests over, turn assignments in late for half credit, or do extra credit work.
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